Search Results for: aries spirit animal 2024 Articles

weekly forecast june 17

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast for June 17th – 23rd, 2024

How would you feel about a week of introspection, self-care, and grounded reflection? Then read this article to see how this week’s astrological energy will affect you! As Mercury and Venus enter Cancer on June 17th, the cosmic energies shift towards nurturing and emotional connections, marking the beginning of a

may angel card reading

Unlock May 2024 Angel Guidance for Each Zodiac Sign

May is abundant with change and alignment. There are many blessings in bloom in May. The energy is moving fast and there is no denying the higher timelines that are here. Assisting you through this powerful time is angelic guidance. Your angels are sent to help you through various seasons.

mercury enters taurus

These 6 Zodiac Signs Need to Pay EXTRA Attention When Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury – the planet of communication, information, and the mind – is moving into grounded, calming Taurus on May 15th, 2024, bringing an earthy essence that will help you feel rooted in the terrain below your feet. And while this transit will deliver quite a bit of balanced, harmonious energy

person gazing ahead at the northern lights above snowy mountains

Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: November 20th – 26th, 2023

Are you ready for a week of transformative, connected energy? Then keep reading this article to see what astrology has in store for you The celestial stage is set for an exciting and dynamic week, with a series of planetary movements that promise to bring diverse energies and transformative influences.

The Dragon of the Chinese Zodiac

Years: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 Element: Earth Yin or Yang: Yang Lucky Colours: Gold, Silver, Gray Lucky Numbers: 1, 6, 7 Crystal: Rose Quartz Flower: Bleeding Hearts Characteristics: Eccentric, Kind, Responsible, Innovative Get Your Free Horoscopes Here Daily Love Career Sex Health Money Chinese The

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius Dates: November 21 – December 21* Zodiac Symbol: Archer Element: Fire Ruling Planet: Jupiter Ruling House: 9th Quality: Mutable Polarity: Positive Power Color: Red, Purple, Blue, Indigo Birthstones: Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Turquoise Flowers: Carnation Key Traits: Adventurer, Idealistic, Exaggerative Desires: To make the impossible possible Compatible Signs: Aries,

All About Chinese Astrology

What is the Chinese Zodiac? Known as Sheng Xiao, the Chinese zodiac is an ancient categorization system that delineates specific themes and characteristics through a complex, 60-year cycle based on the Chinese lunar calendar.  Although no one knows exactly when the Chinese zodiac was created, its beginnings can be traced

Your Weekly Astrology Overview: June 22-28, 2020

Welcome to your astrology forecast for the week of June 22 – June 28 beautiful souls! June 2020 has been filled with intense energy (last week was a ride), and it isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Many global things are occurring, and multiple shifts in our systems are taking place.

Chinese Zodiac 101: Breaking Down the Chinese Zodiac

Many people have heard of the Chinese Zodiac, but who out there knows the many little details that make up the breadth of this fascinating form of Eastern Astrology? The Chinese Zodiac consists of 12 animals, each of which rules a year. According to the year of your birth and

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